HTC Nexus 9 now said to be announced October 16

Google's Nexus 10 languished in the doldrums since release. Never really catching on in a big way, Google focussed their efforts on the Nexus 7. As it becomes clear Google is focussing their efforts on a larger tablet once again, news emerges about just when we might be able to officially get our hands on it.


An anonymous tipster tells Paul O'Brien of MoDaCo the Nexus 9 will be announced on October 16. Previous conversation focussed on the new Nexus tablet launching exactly one week earlier on October 9. It's not clear if that original date was pushed back, or just plain wrong from the jump.

Of course, O'Brien readily admits he's unclear on who the tipster is. He assumes it's someone he's received proper info from before, but isn't ready to fully back the October 16 date just yet.

Last year, Google dropped the Nexus 5 on Halloween via a simple Google+ post, and it's still unknown if this year will see an actual event. We're still expecting a Nexus 6 made by Motorola alongside the HTC-made Nexus 9, but it's not known if both will arrive at the same time.


If they do, we'd expect an event. If we see event invites burst onto the scene, it's safe to assume Google has more than a single device for us this year, and will release both simultaneously. Keep an eye out for invite posts around the web in early October.

Via: Twitter 1, 2

