Here's The Latest On Fortnite Playground Mode

If you've been waiting on Fortnite's Playground mode, you definitely aren't alone. Almost a week after disappearing from the game because of the matchmaking problems it brought to the surface, Epic still hasn't been able to bring the mode back. Today, the company offered another update on the status of Playground mode, but you might want to temper your expectations before you get too excited.


Yes, this is another instance where Epic isn't able to give a solid launch date for Playground mode. Up until now, most of its updates have consisted of variations on "we'll have more to say later," but this time around, Epic actually explains some of the roadblocks that remain. It did so in a post on Reddit, which was published just a little while ago.

"We have some system performance goals that we believe are required in order to relaunch the Playground LTM," Epic's statement reads. "We've continued working towards these goals over the weekend and our most recent load tests look promising, but there are some anomalies in the data that we still need to understand."

It sounds like Epic is making progress on the issue, but even if these scale tests turn out to be good, the company warns that there are still other scenarios that need to be tested before Playground mode can relaunch. Still, the tests it's currently running should give us a better idea of when the mode might return. "Once this phase has completed we will know more about where we stand and be able to provide a status update," Epic added. "The team is hard at work and we'll let you know when we have anything else that we can share."


Epic says that the current phase of testing should take a few more hours to complete, so it sounds like we can expect another update later on today. Hopefully Epic will be able to bring Playground mode back into Fortnite at some point this week, but with no ETA available, whether or not that's actually possible is anyone's guess. We'll keep an ear to the ground for more, so stay tuned.

