HBO's New Giveaway Involves Cardboard Boxes Made For Privacy

HBO seems to feel bad for the people forced to live in close proximity with other human beings, hence the unveiling of HBO Box. This new product — which is only being made available in the form of a giveaway — is exactly what it sounds like: a large cardboard box. The HBO Box is big enough to put over the upper half of your body, allowing you to watch your favorite shows in peace.


Put simply, the HBO Box is a cardboard box that is painted black with the HBO logo on the side and two large holes for the user's legs to extend out of — oh, and there are air holes so you don't somehow suffocate. The idea is simple: sit on your bed, or maybe a chair that doesn't have arms, and put the box over your head.

You can now watch whatever you want on your phone or laptop without other nosey people taking a peek. The HBO Box is presented as ideally suited for college students forced to share a room with a stranger. It will, if nothing else, save one the slight embarrassment of having their roommate walk in during a naughty scene.

You can't buy the HBO Box, which makes sense considering how easily one can acquire and paint their own cardboard box. You can, however, enter to win one by responding to related tweets published by Fooji, the first of which is soliciting reasons why the participant needs the HBO Box.


Only college students who have a .edu email address can enter to win; they must be at least 18 years old and live somewhere the box can be delivered using FedEx or DoorDash. Of course, if you really want a privacy box without all of the participation and waiting, you can just buy one from your nearest shipping store, punch a few holes in it, and hop inside.

