Google Offers DVD Dev Kits For The Internet-Constrained

As much as the Internet is a font of knowledge (not exactly wisdom) for many of us, not everyone has the luxury of a good connection to take advantage of what the Internet has to offer. This is an impediment especially for interested Android app developers, as majority, if not all, of Google's resources, though free, are Internet-bound. At the very least, they require a lot of time and bandwidth to even download. Which is why Google has a new Developer's Kit offer for those living in "bandwidth challenged" areas.


On the one hand, there is a good reason for providing content mostly online, aside from the Internet being Google's lingua franca, so to speak. Android is a fast moving target, and a lot of information can be changed, added, or removed in the blink of an eye. But on the other hand, it presents a higher level of entry for certain areas where a decent Internet connection is still a luxury.

It is for these regions that Google designed these offline Dev Kits that come in DVDs. And the content is mighty impressive but no need to feel jealous as they are all available online for free (except perhaps for the Udacity courses). The DVDs contain:

• The Google Cloud Platform docs from, including the SDKs (Software Development Kits) for App Engine


• The entire Android Website : including Android SDKs and Android Studio installs

• Material Design docs from

• Web Fundamentals documentation from

• Videos on Google Cloud Platform development from Google Developers YouTube channel

• Videos on Android development from Google Developers YouTube channel

• The entire target="_blank"I/O Dev Bytes Series

• Full Google Udacity course videos (Android, App Engine, HTML5 games, UX, Mobile Web)

• Google I/O 2014 Design Track videos

Google has already distributed 2,000 such kits in Sub-Saharan Africa, India, and Bangladesh. While there is no outright price tag attached, getting your hands on one might not be straight-forward as a simple request. Interested people would need to approach their local Google Developers Group or Google Student Ambassador to ask about availability and access. Organizations and schools can also request for copies via a separate channel.

SOURCE: Google

