Google Nexus One "Equipment Recovery Fee" Cut To $150 From $350

Now you can cancel a Nexus One contract for less than the price of buying a Nexus One itself.  However, Google's still keeping its "equipment recovery fee intact, although in a less draconian form of $150, compared to the former amount of $350 that customers were required to pay.


The bad news?  There's still a darn $150 to cover on top of T-Mobile's $200 ETF for subsidized N1 contracts canceled in the first 120 days of use.  The new Terms of Sales decrees:

"You agree to pay Google an equipment subsidy recovery fee (the "Equipment Recovery Fee") in the event you cancel or downgrade your wireless plan within 120 days of activation of wireless service. If you activate a new line of service with T-Mobile, your Equipment Recovery Fee will be $150 USD if you cancel or downgrade your service plan within 120 days of activation."

Verdict?  You're still paying $350 at some point, although a long shot from the $550 lump total that's something akin to highway robbery.  Kudos to Google for being somewhat less irksome.


[Google via Wall Street Journal]

