Gmail's Updated Search Makes Finding Mislabeled Messages Easier

Google has added a new feature to make things easier on Gmail users — in this case, users who know they have a particular email but can't find it through search. Sometimes, through the course of things (or just through clumsy scrolling on a touchscreen), messages are accidentally marked or mislabelled, only to disappear into some archive or the spam folder.


On Monday, Google announced that users who accidentally mark messages as spam or trash will have an easier time finding them. Searching for a message will, if applicable, display the message shown below — that the email might be located in Trash or Spam, with the selected messages being available for viewing if you so desire.

In the past, only Trash was indexed for search; while a small change, it will be considerably helpful, especially considering how often messages are accidentally flagged as spam. Joining this is a new footer that will appear helping the user if his or her search query is too general to pull up search results.

According to Google's statement, this new feature is on the "rapid release" launch track, and as such will be released in the coming two weeks, with the full rollout taking one to three days "for feature visibility". The change will be coming to all of Gmail's users.



