Gmail Labs launches Smart Labels

This morning the duders down at Google Labs released a neat little ditty. I don't know if you use labels already, but you should check out the smart label system. Labels gave you the ability to sort your e-mail into different tags based on regular expressions. It is implemented with some really simple pattern matching. Though with a little bit of computer wizardry you could sort your mail pretty well, it's not really all that useful with today's internet. Luckily, Google has our collective backs. These labels are actually pretty smart. I navigated myself to this link to turn on the service.


Yes, that's a screenshot of my inbox. Well, a shot of the interior of my brand spanking new Bulk Smart Label. As you might be able to discern from the screenshot, the smart labels sorted everything into three folders, Bulk, Forums, and Notifications. The Bulk folder contains all of the ad-spam I subject myself to just in case something too cool to pass up drops in through one of those social network coupon sites. The Forums tab has some bits and pieces from some old-school style mailing lists. The Notifications folder contains things like e-mails from super-secret Facebook groups I'm subscribed to, links to e-cards from my Aunt, and other kinds of website-generated e-mail traffic that's wasn't part of a bulk mailing. It just worked. Thanks Google!


[ via Gmail Blog]

