Gametel Gamepad Adds Gaming Controls To Android Devices
If you are an Android fan that has a smartphone you really like, but have lusted after the cool gaming controls on the SE Xperia play you will appreciate this. A company called Gametel has unveiled a new gamepad add on that will plug into an Android smartphone. The game pad is about half as large as a normal smartphone.
That means it will add some bulk to your device. It clips onto the side of your smartphone. It's wireless so you can play without hooking it to the smartphone too. The geeks over at TechRadar went hands on with the device and say it works pretty well.
When hooked to your smartphone it's balanced pretty well and isnt uncomfortable to use. If you like to play games like shooters or side scrollers that have virtual d-pads this thing might be perfect. You can pick one up for devices on Android 2.1 and up for £49.99.
[via TechRadar]