Frog Fractions 2 found hidden within a game about fairies

The game Frog Fractions 2, a sequel to the oddity Frog Factions, has been discovered in a Steam game about fairies. The discovery comes two years after the Kickstarter for Frog Fractions 2 launched, and is the end result of a bunch of clues and hunting amongst fans. The discovery was ultimately made when the fairy game — Glittermitten Grove — received a large update at the same time a video of a button press 'launching' Frog Fractions 2 was published.


If you're a bit confused about this whole thing, you're not the only one. It all started with Frog Fractions, a seemingly innocent game that, at first, seemed like an educational offering to teach kids math. Sort of. Play the game long enough, though, and you'll find yourself falling down a rabbit hole of bizarreness that ultimately boiled down to a pornography business. The game came out in 2012, and is the brainchild of Jim Crawford.

From there, fast-forward to 2014 and the Kickstarter for Frog Fractions 2. Fans expected something as strange as the first game, and they were promised they'd get just that. In fact, you should just read the Kickstarter in full to get a better idea of it all.

On December 13, the game Glittermitten Grove launched on Steam. It is within this game that you can find Frog Fractions 2 — you'll need to buy Glittermitten Grove first. Once playing it, you will either have to dig into the ground and you'll eventually get to the Frog game, or you'll play until you come to a door in the sky, which also takes you to the game. You can play the first Frog Fractions game here for free to get started.


SOURCE: GameDetectives

