FreshJar Lids
Surely I am not the only who tries to keep leftovers in hopes that it won't go to waste. So for those of us that do, and for those that prefer to buy in bulk and repackage there is the FreshJar Lids from Improvements Catalog.
Yeah it sounds like a generic item, and it probably is, but that shouldn't stifle its usefulness. The process seems fairly simple, grab a previously used jar, clean it out, put some stuff in it that you want to increase the shelf life of, put one of these "Lids" on and use the included pump to suck the air out.
They go for $25 for a kit with like 5 Lids in it. Seems like a fair price to keep those Ramen noodles you cooked yesterday, fresh until you have an appetite for them again.
FreshJar Lids give new lease of life to glass jars [via coolest-gadgets]