Fortnite's Port-a-Fortress is on the way to help bad builders

Building is the cornerstone of good Fortnite play, but it isn't exactly an easy skill to develop. There are a variety of streamers and pro players who seem to build massive defensive structures in an instant, and getting to that level of skill takes a lot of work. Luckily, items like the Port-a-Fort can be used to fill the gaps while the rest of us work to refine our building ability.

For those who need a refresher, the Port-a-Fort is a thrown item that allows the user to instantly create a tall metal structure wherever the grenade lands. It's handy in a few different scenarios, whether you're out of building materials and need to lay down quick cover or you're trying to confuse an enemy player by tossing a Port-a-Fort grenade into one of their own structures.

For Fortnite's newest item, Epic seems to be taking the idea of the Port-a-Fort and making it bigger. The company has started promoting a new item called the Port-a-Fortress on Fortnite's in-game news page, so it's likely just around the corner. "Toss down the Port-a-Fortress and take defense to new heights," the accompanying blurb says, suggesting that it'll function mjust like the Port-a-Fort already does.

We don't know what the resulting structure will look like once the Port-a-Fortress has been thrown, but judging from that description, it sounds like it might be taller than the one produced by the Port-a-Fort. In fact, we can probably expect a structure that's larger than the Port-a-Fort is pretty much every regard considering the item's name.

Epic typically begins advertising these new items in the coming soon section of its news page a couple of days before they launch, so we'll likely see the Port-a-Fortress in this week's patch. There's no word on when that patch will launch at the moment, but we can probably expect it early Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Stay tuned, and while we wait for more news on this week's patch, head down to the comments section and tell us what you think of the Port-a-Fortress.