Fleksy For iOS 8 Teased, Shows Off New Word Prediction Feature

With the announcement of iOS 8, we were all treated to news that third-party keyboards can be used on our various devices. We know the popular SwiftKey is coming, and now we've learned at least one more will make an appearance around the time iOS 8 is official. Fleksy, the simplified keyboard, will also be one you can get for iOS 8.


Taking to Twitter, Fleksy went so far as to show a picture of what their app will look like on the iPhone 5S. Subdued and beautifully minimal, it's the Fleksy we've all come to know. In addition to the picture, Fleksy is offering up a beta program for testing — another neat feature for iOS Developers!

The picture shows the keyboard working with what looks to be the new Messages platform. We're not sure if it's a mockup, or the real thing, but it's awesome! Fleksy added the tagline "Fleksy is already running on iOS 8!", but didn't say if this were actually it.

Interestingly enough, the iOS version shown has word prediction — a feature Apple touted as new for their keyboard. The Android version of Fleksy does not, so perhaps they're hinting at an incoming feature for both versions. Then again, they may just be taking advantage of new iOS technology. It's unclear if Fleksy will keep the same $3.99 pricing scheme they use on Android, but the iOS version — which is already working — will likely be ready this fall when iOS 8 drops.


Source: Twitter, Fleksy Beta

