First Jason "Aquaman" Momoa Teaser Surfaces

Starting today, the DC fans camp might be split into two. On one side, you're most likely to find fans of the Game of Thrones. On the other side, well, you have everyone else. If there was still any doubt that GoT's Jason Momoa would come back from the dead to take on the DC Universe's king of the seas, this teaser will banish all that. Zack Snyder, who of course has his hands full with many DCU films, just revealed the first glimpse of Aquaman in all his scaley, tattooed glory.


It has been months since word that the GoT actor would join Snyder's roster to take on the role of Aquaman in a solo movie, to arrive perhaps even before a Wonder Woman film. It probably stretched the imagination of some how Momoa would fit in the shoes, or in this case the tights, of the aquatic super hero. Well, imagine no more as Snyder reveals his vision of Aquaman, Dothraki style.

Some might find it hard to disassociate Khal Drogo from this rendition of Aquaman. The comics character has undergone many appearance changes in the past decades, but some characteristics remained the same. He was blond, for one. And barely had any tats. Snyder's version feels more like Khal Drogo literally submerged into the deep. Well, at least he has a trident.


The "Unite the Seven" tagline is going to be the subject of speculation. To some, it might mean gathering seven members of the Justice League, though that might be a bit out of character considering he isn't exactly the land-loving type, though probably more sociable than Batman. The easier interpretation might be about the seven seas, because he is after all the king of Atlantis. That also fits Snyder's own comment "There is only one true King." Whatever it refers to, given Momoa's stare and battle gear, we can expect the film to have a very grim atmosphere.

Aquaman is expected to screen this year.

SOURCE: @ZackSnyder

