First Heroes Reborn Trailer Unveiled At Comic-Con

While the original TV series Heroes may have fizzled out several years ago, NBC announced a few months back that it was bringing the show back, and at San Diego Comic-Con on Sunday, the first trailer for Heroes Reborn was shown. Running over three minutes long, the new trailer shows that much of the show focuses on humans that are "enhanced" with special powers and how they're persecuted, along with introducing a number of new characters.Heroes Reborn is described as taking place around five years after the original series ended, when humanity has become aware of "EVOs," or those with powers, and now views them as a threat. Show creator Tim Kring told the panel audience "Now, if you were to wake up with a power in our thing, it'd be a very, very bad thing. It takes the basic idea of the show and cranks it up a bit...There are a little more stakes."


Several cast members joined Kring on stage during the SDCC presentation. The trailer, meanwhile, made sure to show returning fan favorite character Hiro Nakamura, played by Masi Oka.

Heroes Reborn will be debuting on NBC this fall on September 24th with 13 episodes, hopefully luring back the fans who loved the original series, or at least before it got bad. For those who want to catch up, or never watched the old show when it was on, NBC has also released a Heroes app, full of mini episodes that serve as a prequel to Reborn.

VIA Mashable

