FCC Wants To Redefine Broadband, Set Standard Higher

In our connected world, a solid WiFi connection is important. In your household, there may be several people using the same connection at once, straining your connectivity. While you may technically have broadband Internet, the FCC is deciding whether or not to redefine broadband altogether.


Maybe someone is using Hangouts while another is streaming Netflix or watching YouTube videos; those two things fight for streaming space, and quality can be diminished. In the US, broadband is considered any connection of 4Mbps and up. Streaming a single show in HD often requires a much better connection than that, and when you factor in multiple users — 4Mbps is the new dial-up.

In response, the FCC is allegedly set to entice public opinion on whether broadband needs a redefinition. Their current thinking is that 10Mbps is the new standard, but will entertain other commentary. We say allegedly because this comes via an internal FCC official to The Washington Post, and the redefinition draft is not yet finished.


Set to be circulated internally today, public release of the draft should come shortly after. With a new definition of broadband, the FCC could end up with broader control over ISPs as it relates to network upgrades.

Source: The Washington Post

