Fallout Worlds Will Let You Customize Private Fallout 76 Servers

Fallout 76 has offered private servers through its Fallout 1st subscription for some time, but now it seems that those private servers are about to become much more customizable. Bethesda has announced Fallout Worlds, which can probably best be described as a new collection of settings that allow players to take the reins on their private servers.


There seem to be many features that can be customized through Fallout Worlds, whether you want to adjust the jump height of players, relax the rules around where players can and can't build a CAMP, or change the PVP settings on a server. The way Bethesda describes it, you can customize a bunch of features in Fallout 76 and experiment with what they change.

In a post to its website, Bethesda says that the list of customization options will continue to grow as time goes on, but of course, it sounds like you still need to have a Fallout 1st subscription active if you want these customization options in your own private worlds. The good news is that Bethesda will also launch public worlds with different combinations of custom settings.


These public worlds will rotate in and out with new customization options, though it is worth noting that you can't complete challenges or earn SCORE on these servers. Progression also won't be shared with Adventure mode, so you should only pop into one of these custom worlds when you don't mind missing out on progression as you play.

If you have a Fallout 1st subscription, you'll be able to create private custom worlds of your own. Your friends will be able to play on that custom world regardless of their Fallout 1st subscription status, so technically, you only need one person with a subscription who can get the ball rolling. Public test servers are live now, but it sounds like we'll need to wait for a broader rollout before making our own private worlds. Bethesda says more information on Fallout Worlds is coming up, so we'll keep our eyes peeled for that.

