Facebook update for webOS, 1.1.0 brings much-needed enhancements

It seems like Microsoft's not the only one bringing out a needed Facebook app, only Palm's for webOS actually works, and is thankfully much, much better.  It brings an enhanced inbox, improved photo album access, expanded profile viewing options, events, and friend search.


Palm's updated features:

  • Enhanced Inbox – Now, your inbox lets you compose, send, and reply, so you can always access your Facebook messages.
  • Photo albums – Now you can view photo albums from all your friends, not just the photos in their news feeds. Uploading photos is easier as well, and includes the ability to add captions.
  • Profiles – The new app lets you view users' profiles, whether they are your friends or not. View and post to their walls, view their information, and see their photo albums (subject to privacy settings, of course).
  • Events and birthdays – Now you can see upcoming birthdays from your friend list as well as upcoming events.
  • Friend search – Easily find your friends using the Friend Search feature. This takes you to their profile, where you can see and post to their wall, view their information, and look at their photos
  • Palm owners, feel free to express your thoughts over this new update.

    [Palm via Engadget]

