Facebook Instant Articles (finally) land on Android
Facebook has made Instant Articles available to all Android users, bringing them up to speed on the feature iPhone users have been enjoying for several weeks. Instant Articles, for those unfamiliar, are articles from various publishers made available to the social network's users directly within their News Feeds. It's a faster way for users to read the latest happenings and a good way for publishers to reach many thousands of viewers.
Instant Articles load faster than the articles would if one clicked a link leading to a different website, hence their name. According to Facebook, this makes its users far more likely to share articles than they otherwise would be.
The Instant Articles arrived first on the Web, and then this past October for iOS users. The feature has been in testing for Android for a while, and is now available to everyone. There are more than 350 publishers on board with the feature; 100 or so are publishing content everyday, according to Facebook.
The publishers vary based on region. For North American users, content comes from BuzzFeed, The Atlantic, National Geographic, The New York Times, Le Journal de Montreal, NBC News, and more. Most of the publishers are for U.S users, though, with Canadian publications totaling only eight. Check out the timeline below for more Facebook news!
SOURCE: Facebook