Droplet smart button offers reminders without nagging

Even the best minds sometimes forget about something they meant to do. Such is where certain reminder-based trackers come into play, offering reminders piped directly to a smartphone or a tablet when needed, but without the nagging that might come from having a friend remind you. The Droplet is the newest tracker to offer this functionality, featuring a drop-like design and button-like functionality with a side dose of smart technology. Stick it on whatever you need to remember later on and it'll do the rest.


Droplet is basically a wireless button that can be stuck just about anywhere — on a pill container, for example. One uses the related mobile app to set up whatever the activity is and the particulars about how to be reminded. From there, the Droplet is pressed and the track progress and reminders are triggered.

The user can set when they want to be reminded about something, as well as how that reminder will be delivered. You can also set how often it'll nag you — for example, once can be enough, or you can tell it to remind you multiple times. There's also a tracking feature that keeps track of whatever the Droplet is on, in terms of meeting goals.

The maker behind Droplet is seeking $80,000 USD on Kickstarter, where it has thus far raised $21,721 with 34 days remaining. Those interested can get an Early Bird Basic Droplet with one hub for a pledge of $39 USD. The shipping is estimated to start this upcoming December.


SOURCE: Kickstarter

