Dark Souls III Promo Image Leaks With Early 2016 Launch Tease
Last week word surfaced via The Know that the next game in the Dark Souls franchise, Dark Souls III, will be arriving next year for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, and that there were (are?) ongoing negotiations for a PC version of the title. There were a bunch of details in that leak (unconfirmed and unofficial, of course) alleging things like up to four players, 10 character classes, 45 new foes and 15 new bosses, 40 new armor sets, a full hour of cutscenes, and 100 new weapons. Now another leak has surfaced.
This latest leak comes from IGN, which is reporting that it has gotten ahold of a promotional image for the upcoming game — the one shown below, which indicates the game will be releasing early next year.
This is said to be official artwork, though it has not yet been released in any sort of official capacity. This follows rumbles that Dark Souls III will be making it official debut at E3, which will be taking place in a few days.
That information comes from VG24/7, which says that it got word from "a source familiar with the matter". That source didn't have any information on the game itself, however. As always with rumors and leaks, take it all with a grain of salt. Still, we'll know later this month when E3 rolls around whether it is true or not, so stay tuned.