Da-Lite New 184-Inch Projector Screen
Those of you who have ever shopped for a decent projector screen have probably seen the name Da-Lite before, well they are at it again. This time they are offering up a full 184-inches for you to throw your HD picture onto.
You'd have to have a pretty nice projector to be able to output 184-inches of quality picture, so it's only right you spend some money and get a proper screen for it. You can get front or rear projection models depending on how you want to set it up, but if you go rear projection, make sure that screens down before you turn on the projector or your audience might get blinded.
It looks like it might be motorized, at the very least it rolls up which is nice for keeping it clean and out of the way. No price or release date, more details should be available at CES with a release date some time after CES.
184 inches of projector screenage [via boygeniusreport]