Criterion streaming service now offers select films from black creators for free

In early 2019, Criterion announced its own streaming service called "The Criterion Channel." The service launched in the US and Canada where anyone can now stream notable films from black creators for free. The company has made these movies available to the public, no subscription required, as part of their pledge to help support Black Lives Matter.


If you head over to the Criterion Channel website now, you'll see a long list of curated movies from black creators, including The Watermelon Woman, Down in the Delta, A Well-Spent Life, Shakedown, and more. There are also some notable documentaries from white creators that highlight the black experience.

These films are currently free to stream on the service — you don't need a subscription nor do you need to sign up for an account. The content can be found directly on the Criterion Channel website. Each listing comes with a description of the work and other pertinent details.

In addition to making this content available for free, Criterion Collection is also supporting organizations that support Black Lives Matter by donating $25,000; the company plans to donate an additional $5,000 per month on an ongoing basis to support these organizations. Recipients will include bail funds, legal defense funds, advocacy groups, community organizations, and more.


Viewers interested in this effort will be able to get details about which organizations receive the funds on Criterion's social media accounts, according to the company. In a statement, Criterion said:

Black Lives Matter. The anguish and fury unleashed all across the country are rooted in centuries of dehumanization and death. This pattern must stop. We support the protesters who have taken to the streets to demand justice, and we share their hopes. We are committed to fighting systemic racism.

