Conan O'Brien plays the clueless gamer at E3

At E3 2014, Conan O'Brien took to the floor and played the part of Clueless Gamer, getting the low-down on the latest video games and talking to various gamers and the folks behind them. We've got a video of the whole bit for you after the jump.


O'Brien hits up some friendly gamers and chats his way across multiple games — Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2 get some screen time, as well as Sony's Entwined and Project Morpheus.

Forza seemed to be a favorite of his, and included a dramatic song number while he struggled to avoid crashing his digital vehicle. There's some dancing with the ladies, as well, and playing Project Morpheus while lying on the floor on a bean bag.

We won't spoil it all for you, however. Hit up the link above and check out the fun for yourself. If you haven't already, also check out our E3 2014 tag portal to see what all went down during the show.

VIA: Mashable

