comScore Reports iOS Device Traffic Beats Android In Every Market

The battle never ends between Apple's iOS and Google's Android platforms, but thus far iOS continues to take the lead despite a broad and rapidly growing selection of Android smartphones and tablets. Research firm comScore has just issued a report introducing a new Device Essentials service that measures digital traffic from all devices and once again finds Apple's iOS to dominate all markets.


comScore's Device Essentials service measures the digital traffic by device, which includes computers, mobile phones, tablets, music players, e-readers, gaming devices, and other devices that connect to the web. The digital traffic will initially be measured based on page view activity with various different reporting dimensions including but not limited to share of smartphone and feature phone usage by OS, carrier share of smartphone traffic, and OS share of carrier traffic.

Using Device Essentials to compare specifically the device traffic of Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch to their Android counterparts as well as those of other brands, comScore's chart clearly shows a iOS to dominate in every country surveyed. You can take a look at the chart below.


Totaling up the percentages in the chart above from select countries gives us the following numbers:

US = 53.1% traffic on iOS / 36.2% on Android

UK = 59.9% traffic on iOS / 15.4% on Android

Germany = 72.8 traffic on iOS / 17.1% on Android

France = 65.1% traffic on iOS / 17.7% on Android

Australia = 83% traffic on iOS / 11% on Android

The numbers clearly show the dominance of iOS in the five major markets thanks to the strength of the iPad or the weakness of competing tablets. With Android's late start along with a slew of unsuccessful Android slates, Apple's iPad traffic numbers are way ahead of the pack. In the U.S. iPads account for 21.8% of the traffic while Android tablets account for only 0.6%. Similar sub-1% numbers go across the board for Android tablets.

But when it comes to smartphone traffic, Android actually leads in the U.S., Argentina, and India. In the U.S. Android smartphone traffic wins with 35.6% compared to iPhone's traffic of 23.5%. But you also have to take into consideration the vast number of Android smartphones on the market compared to Apple's lone iPhone.

Also, if you compare the split on WiFi access versus mobile network access, you will see that a greater share of iOS smartphone users access data via WiFi, while a majority of Android smartphone users access data via their mobile network.


[via comScore]

