Columbia House returns to sell you vinyl records

If you grew up in the 80's or 90's, you probably remember seeing ads for Columbia House. They're the ones that wanted to sell you a bunch of cassettes or CD's for just a penny. Of course, cashing in on that deal always lead to paying more than just one cent. Well, the company filed for bankruptcy earlier this year, so you wouldn't expect to hear anymore big news from them. But they're back.


This time around they aren't trying to sell you CD's or out-dated cassette's. After all, few people are buying either of those things anymore. Instead, they're reaching even further back, and selling vinyl. That's right, you can finally fulfill your hipster fantasy of subscribing to a mail-order vinyl service.

The company hasn't released a lot of details about just how things are going to work. We don't know if it will actually be a subscription like the old days, or something a little more modern.

It's true that vinyl has been making a pretty big comeback over the last few years. However, is it enough to pull this failing company out of the financial trouble that they're in? Only time will tell.


VIA: Gizmodo

