Chrome For Android Update Adds 31 New Languages

Since Google released Chrome for Android Beta back in February, it has promised to keep improving the browser by "leaps and bounds," and today it has unleashed an update that adds several new features and support for 31 additional languages along with availability in all countries where Google Play, formerly Android Market, is accessible.


The update brings much-requested features such as the ability to view the desktop version of websites when you prefer that over the mobile version. You can also now add bookmarks as shortcuts on the home screen so that you can more quickly access your favorite sites and choose which apps you want to handle links opened in Chrome.

Additionally, you can now use Chrome with a system proxy setup for WiFi access configured in Android settings. Web developers will want to take note of a change in the User-Agent specification for the browser. Despite the improvements, Chrome for Android is still in beta and only works on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich devices at this time.

[via Google]

