Cast Your Votes For The Fourth Peugeot Design Competition

The Fourth Peugeot Design Competition is underway with thirty selected projects currently showcased on the internet for all to view and cast their votes. All internet users are welcome to vote before January 23rd to select the ten finalists. Peugeot will reward the final winner by building a full size version of the car to be shown at the Frankfurt 2007 Motor Show.


And although the car wont be awarded a record contract, it will be featured in an Xbox 360 video game for all to virtually test drive and probably will get a set of hot babes while on tour in Frankfurt. Take a look at last year's winner, the Moovie, and see what it took to make it to the top.

This year's contest theme was "P.L.E.A.S.E. Innovate" with the acronym standing for Pleasurable (to drive), Lively, Efficient, Accessible, Simple, and Ecological. Check out the awesome designs and cast your votes here.

Fourth Peugeot Design Competition – remarkable source of automotive ideas [Via: Gizmag]

