Bookeen Cybook Opus eBook reader fits in your pocket

If you've been looking for a different eBook reader to try, then you might be interested in the Cybook Opus from Bookeen. This device is designed to fit in your pocket and is meant to be easy to take with you anywhere you want to go.


Full specs have not yet been released, but Bookeen is letting slip that the screen will feature 200DPI and the reader itself will be extremely lightweight at just 5.3 ounces. It will come equipped with 1GB of flash memory as well.

The controls are designed to be used with just one hand and you will be able to hold books from ePub books and PDF files. Several font sizes will be available and you will have the ability to organize your portable library in folders. We don't know when the Cybook Opus will be available or how much it'll cost, be we'll keep you posted.

