'BioShock: The Collection' Rating Appears, This Time In Taiwan

Another video game rating for BioShock: The Collection has surfaced, this time in Taiwan. The newest document joins a rating recently surfaced in Brazil, where a document was published revealing the bundle's title, as well as the platforms it will be available on: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. This time around, though, we have a photo of the bundle's cover.


The newest rating was found in a database on GameRating.org.tw, as shown below. The first entry shows the product's name for release in Taiwan, and the next line shows its original name. The maker is listed as 2K Games, and the publisher includes Take Two Interactive Software UK. The product is presented as still unlisted, and only names the Xbox One gaming system.

The last couple lines simply warn that the games contain "violence, alcohol, improper language" and that it is a role-playing game. All of which we already know, of course, as the games have been available for some time.

If you want to play them, though, you'll have to dust off your last-gen game console, as they're not available for the latest models. It had seemed for a while that any hope of a BioShock release for the PS4 and Xbox One was dashed, but these latest ratings all but guarantee good things.


No official announcement about the game has been made, though the increasing number of signs about its existence likely means we'll be getting official notice soon. There's no indication of when the game may launch, nor how much it will cost.


