Austin Google Fiber rollout begins in December

Austin, Texas is one of the places in the country where high tech companies flourish. Some major technology companies have operations in Austin including Motorola and Dell among others. In April 2013, Google announced that after Kansas City, Austin would be the second city to get the ultra fast Google Fiber internet service. The web giant has now announced that the rollout of Google Fiber in south and southeast Austin will begin in December.

When Google originally announced Austin would get Google Fiber, it had pegged a launch date of mid-2014. That launch didn't happen, nor did Austin actually become the second city to get Google Fiber. The next city to get fiber after Kansas City was Provo, Utah.

Mark Strama, head of Google Fiber Austin operations, said that registrations for new users in south and southeast Austin would kick off in December. Google's fiber internet service is on order of 100 times faster than typical broadband available today.

Austin is no stranger to blazing fast broadband speeds, AT&T has been offering speeds of up to 300 mbps via U-verse since late last year via its GigaPower service. AT&T has said that it plans to step its speed up to 1 gigabit in Austin.

SOURCE: Statesman