Apple Rolls Out New iPod
All those iPod and Slash Gear fans who've been wondering why Slash Gear has little or no attention to iPods here's a Slash Gear special for all you. Good news first? Ok don't worry there's all good news today. Apple has finally rolled out the much awaited 1GB nanos with an unbelievable price tag of $150. The new nano features all the traditional iPod nano features and can hold around 240 songs or 15,000 image files. Now that's not it in the iPod special, in a bid to make iPod affordable for everyone Apple has also slashed prices of its 512MB and 1GB shuffle models. The 512MB shuffle is now available for $69 and the 1GB model runs at $99. The nano models include the standard iPod ear buds, a USB 2.0 cable, case and a CD with iTunes for Mac and Windows computers.