Apple Request To Transfer Patent Suit Involving Kodak Denied By Court

Kodak was forced to file bankruptcy after it has been unable to compete in the changing photography market. The company's big move to pull itself out of bankruptcy and reorganize into something profitable has been to sell off two large patent portfolios. The problem for Kodak is that one of the patents in the portfolio was recently invalidated in court. Apple is also been seeking to transfer a patent suit between it and Kodak out of bankruptcy court and into a New York District Court.


Judge George Daniels has denied Apple's request to move its patent suit against Kodak into his courtroom. Judge Daniels said that before Apple could have the case moved to his court, Bankruptcy Judge Allan Gropper, overseeing Kodak's bankruptcy proceedings, must rule on key issues. Daniels said that Gropper should have "an opportunity to render a decision on the motion and to have an opportunity to control and move forward the process."

Kodak has already filed suit against Apple accusing Apple of interfering with its plans to sell its patent portfolio by claiming ownership of 10 inventions the two companies worked on together. Those 10 inventions are covered in various patents that Apple claims Kodak filed for alone when both companies worked on the technology. The product the two companies worked on together included the QuickTake digital camera.


and[via Appleinsider]

