Apple Request Approved To Build Off-Campus Restaurant For Workers

Apple has had a request approved by the Cupertino Planning Commission to build an off-campus restaurant strictly for Apple employees. This seems odd at first glance, but when you consider the reason Apple wants to build this restaurant; it makes sense. Apple wants employees to be able to eat and discuss what's going on at the company, including product development, without fear of being overheard.


I admit I had never considered the fact that competing firms might be conducting a bit of eavesdropping at restaurants Apple workers frequent. It sounds as if the new facility may be more cafeteria than a restaurant and will be massive at 21,468 square feet. The building will be located "a short walk" from Apple HQ in Cupertino.

The building will house a café, meeting room, lounge areas, courtyard facilities, and the second-floor will be for restaurant staff. The facility will have 70 parking spaces, but most workers are expected to walk to the restaurant. The restaurant will be exclusively for Apple workers with no visitors allowed. Apple's on-campus restaurant allows visitors who are signed in by employees.


[via TheNextWeb]

