Apple Developer Center Back Online: Members Given 1-Month Extension

The Apple Developer Center has come fully back online today. This all connects back to the end of July when the system was taken down following an attempted intruder attack. The attack brought the possibility of "developers' names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses" being accessed however Apple had had said that "sensitive personal information was encrypted" and therefore couldn't be accessed. Anyway, as a result of this event, Apple had decided to move forward with a complete overhaul.


It looks like that overhaul is complete and the downtime has officially come to an end. As a result Apple has recently issued an apology statement regarding the downtime. In addition to this simply being an apology, Apple is also offering a one month extension to all developers. The following statement has been sent to developers;

"We are pleased to let you know that all our developer program services are now online. Your patience during this time was sincerely appreciated.

We understand that the downtime was significant and apologize for any issues it may have caused in your app development. To help offset this disruption, we are extending the membership of all developer teams by one month. If you need any further assistance, please contact us."


Simply put, things should be back to normal for Apple developers and it looks like they will all have an extra month to enjoy as a result of the downtime. As you can see from the above screen capture, all 15 of the services are back with a green light. Though, we should point out that all 15 services weren't down the entire time.

In fact, there were seven sitting with a green light back in the end of July. The services that had remained down at that time were Xcode Automatic Configuration, Member Center, App Store Resource Center, Program Enrollment and Renewals and Technical Support as well as the developer forums, pre-release documentation and videos.

In the end, downtime is never something that makes many happy, but we suspect at least some can appreciate the reason behind this instance. After all, downtime to fix vulnerabilities sounds better as compared to downtime with no solid reason. Plus, that one month extension probably helped a bit.


