Apple Christmas Commercial Has Santa Using Siri

Christmas is nearly here with only a few more days before Santa comes slinking down chimneys all over the world. Apparently, Apple has Santa using Siri to find out how cold it is along his route. I've often wondered about the viability of an open-air sleigh for high altitude, fast flying. The Christmas commercial is actually kind of cool.


Santa asks Siri how to get to the next house and a few other things as well. The part of the commercial where he asks how my day looks and is told you have 3.7 billion appointments is my favorite. It's clear that Apple is pushing the iPhone 4S heavily for the holidays, and I would wager the smartphone will end up being a very popular gift this year.

Siri is an interesting feature of the smartphone, and one of the features that hackers are trying to port to other iPhone models. In iOS update 5.0.1 last week the code that is needed to port Siri was left unencrypted making it legally possible to port the virtual assistant without violating copyright. You can check out the Christmas commercial below.


