Another study finds eating several eggs a week isn't unhealthy

Eggs, despite their low cost and versatility, remain a controversial element in many diets. Concerns have persisted over how many eggs can be safely consumed a week, including by people who suffer from or who are at risk of heart problems. The latest study on this topic comes from McMaster University where researchers found that eating as many as one egg per day may not put one's health at risk.


Using the long-term data from a trio of studies, the researchers behind the new study found that eating around one egg per day likely isn't a risk to your heart health even if you have a history of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. Likewise, the study didn't find a link between eating eggs and blood cholesterol levels or other risk factors in heart disease and death risk.

Around one egg per day is considered 'moderate egg intake' for the majority of people, according to the study. Most of the studies' participants ate less than one egg day, the researchers found. This level of consumption is a bit higher than the general recommendation that people should eat less than three eggs weekly to help protect their heart health.


The study's principal investigator Salim Yusuf acknowledges that past studies on this topic have been contradictory, but says this was because they were 'relatively small or moderate in size.' As well, those past studies excluded participants from many countries, limiting the data.

In comparison, this new study is based on data from more than 177,000 people spanning 50 countries and many income levels. The research follows a similar study from last year that found eating up to one egg daily wasn't associated with an increase in stroke risk.

