Add-E Turns Your Old Bike Into An Electric Bicycle
Many folks around the world commute to work each day using their bicycle. The catch for those who live a long way from work or who don't want to show up for work sweaty is that excessive pedaling can leave you tired when you arrive. Electric powered bikes are an option, but those can be expensive to purchase. A new product called add-e can make your existing bicycle electric-powered.
The project for the add-e device was on Indiegogo and raised €321,300, which was 251% of its goal. The add-e device is a small electric roller and battery system that allows you to propel your bike for miles without having to pedal. Less pedaling means you work up less sweat on your way to work and gives you a break from pedaling.
The add-e system includes all the components needed to turn a normal bike into an electric bike. The device is also small enough to add minimal weight and bulk to the bike and it will fit onto any existing bicycle. The power pack for the add-e system looks like a water bottle and fits into your water bottle holder.
There are two versions of the add-e system with one fitting onto the pedal bearing and the other fitting onto the kickstand fitting. The add-e system isn't cheap with backers paying up to €1100 for a system. Shipping for the add-e system is expected to start in August.
SOURCE: Indiegogo