A BlackBerry Storm is brewin'; news to come September 15th

It seems some big news is coming on Monday from the folks at Verizon Wireless. According to an internal email, "exciting news" is coming on September 15th and the news appears to involve a "Storm."http://www.verizonwireless.com/storm is expected to launch on Monday. However, the BlackBerry Storm won't officially launch until November 1st. But more important that all of that, I think, is this internal email. I mean, look at it! Can you see the Storm a-brewin'? Boy oh boy, that sure is clever. And that big thumbprint, why could that mean it will be a touch device? I think I cracked the code!


But if you're excited for this new device, and not into Verizon, or perhaps not in the US, the Storm will be available as the BlackBerry Thunder from other carriers such as Vodafone and Rogers.

Update: no official announcement yet, but leaked information out of Verizon confirms the RIM BlackBerry Storm is coming

[via The Boy Genius Report]

