Today's Wordle Answer #383 - July 7, 2022 Solution And Hints

Wordle #383 quite literally throws a God-tier word puzzle at players. While the more well-known meaning describes a state where someone is in such awe that their jaw drops open or a general state of bewilderment and astonishment, there's also a deeply religious side to the solution word. So, let's start with the hints. The word starts with an "a," offers a total of three vowels separated by alternating consonants, and one of the letters repeats itself. Coming to its theological meaning, the solution refers to the special kind of love that exists between the creation and his creation, one built on the foundations of reciprocal expressions.

In fact, it is described prominently in the scriptures of all major Abrahamic religions and is repeatedly extolled as one of the defining virtues of the supreme deity. In Christian texts, it is said to be the highest form of love, transcending the bonds between family members, friends, and romantic partners. It is what ascetics strived to achieve as per the core tenets of spirituality in the Abrahamic faiths.

One for the fan of Biblical love

If you haven't cracked open the mystery yet, the Wordle solution for July 7th is the word agape. It is derived from the Greek word agape, which can either mean charity or brotherly love. A commonly used variation of the word is agapan, which means receiving someone with courtesy or treating them with friendly affection. It finds an equivalent in the Hebrew language, as well, where the word ahaba is said to signify love.

Digging into the etymological side of its less religious form, the word is said to have been derived from the Old Norse term gapa, which means opening the mouth wide. Gaped and gaping just happen to be the modern English variations with identical meanings. However, when it comes to the world of ecclesiasticism, agape refers to the unconditional love that God has for humanity, and one that man should strive his best to reciprocate throughout his life. It is also known as one of the seven forms of love, as per modern psychological teachings, sitting alongside variations such as philia, eros, pragma, and ludus.