3M 84-inch multi-touch table eyes-on

We've seen a lot of really impressive products at CES Unveiled, but one of the coolest has to be this massive multi-touch table from 3M. Coming in at 84-inches in size, it's safe to classify this thing as a beast. Even though 3M doesn't have a price figured out yet, we can naturally assume that this bad boy is going to cost a significant amount of money.


Perhaps cost is the reason that 3M says it's targeting businesses with this rather than just your average consumer. To be a little more specific, this 84-inch multi-touch screen is actually a 4K display, and just because we're seeing it in table form today, that doesn't mean it'll be released as a table when it eventually makes it to market.

Instead, consider this as more of a "platform" that businesses can use in a number of ways. The display is wall-mounted, so right away, we can see that there are a variety of uses for something like this. Ultimately, it'll be up to businesses to determine how this product is used, but we can't help but think of those large touchscreens newscasters use when they want to show us all forms of graphs, statistics, and maps.


Again, this display doesn't have a price right now, but consider for a moment that 3M's 46-inch multi-touch display runs $6,500. Almost all of the 4K displays we've seen come in over $10,000, and given the fact that this is multi-touch, we can probably expect this new one from 3M to demand an even higher price. Also keep in mind that what we've seen today is only a prototype, but we'll probably find out more about it as we get closer to the display's release date, which 3M says will be rolling around later this year.

