Today's Wordle Answer #577 - January 17, 2023 Solution And Hints

Some Wordle answers are pretty unusual words, but today's isn't one of them. It's a verb in common usage, and it's most frequently used in relation to foster care. If someone learned about a new ideology, belief, or process, and began to practice it, you might use today's word to describe their shift in thinking. We'll supply some clues to help you figure out the word before you run out of guesses, but you can skip to the second section for the full reveal if you'd rather not do the brain-racking.

The word you're looking for is a verb with two vowels — A and O — as its first and third letters, respectively. There are no repeated letters, and the word almost rhymes with "airdropped." In academic application, it means to choose a textbook or manual as required study in a course. Also, the answer word would become a new verb if the first two letters were removed and replaced with the prefix "CO-." This new verb describes commandeering or taking ownership of something, and it is synonymous with the answer word.

The answer is a choice

Still unsure? The solution you're looking for is "adopt." The etymology of the word is quite interesting — the word "adoption" is the root word of "adopt," which is weird because it feels like it should be the other way around. Etymonline documents that "adoption" is from the Old French "adopcion" or from the Late Latin "adoptionem," a modified form of "adoptare," which means to take a person as one's child. "Adoption" has been in use since the 1300s, but "adopt" didn't enter common usage until the mid-15th century.

It didn't take too long to solve the puzzle today, mostly because we were lucky in our choice of starting word. We went with the word "stomp" as our opening guess, and since it contains two out of the answer's five letters, it was easy to narrow down the possible options. Our second guess, "probe," didn't color any more tiles, but it did rule out more potential solutions. We figured out the answer on the third try. We hope you do better, and if you're itching for more puzzles, here are more games like Wordle to keep you busy.