Today's Wordle Answer #539 - December 10, 2022 Solution And Hints

Today's Wordle answer is a tricky one — it's a common word, but it contains a repeated letter, and said letter isn't one you might easily guess. We didn't solve the puzzle until the sixth and last try (phew) so here are some hints to help you unravel the answer faster. If you don't mind the spoiler, you can skip to the second section where we reveal the answer in full.

If you say the word of the day twice, you're either arriving at someone's place or setting up a joke. The word has one vowel, O, as its third letter, and it rhymes with doc. It means to strike someone or something swiftly and noisily or to make a critical or disparaging comment about a person or a thing. You can also [solution word] a particular age, and that would be an informal way to say you're approaching said age. Got it?

A tap, a rap, and a rat-tat-tat

The answer to today's Wordle puzzle (#539 – December 10, 2022) is knock. The word is in common usage, and makes appearances in many popular phrases like hard knock, knockabout, knock-knee, knock sense into, and more. It also pairs well with many propositions, giving us classics like knock-in, knock-out, knock-off, and knock-over. The word traces back to Old English "cnocian", which means to pound or beat, and is likely of onomatopoeic origin (via Etymonline).

We were very unlucky today — our first guess, ouija, was an attempt to eliminate as many vowels as possible, but that Wordle-solving strategy wasn't great today. There were 492 words left! The next guess, booze, sized that down to 71, and the third guess, frond, cut it further down to six. After the guesses snowy and knoll, there was only one answer left, and we luckily still had one more chance to supply it. We hope you have much better luck, and here are more games like Wordle to prolong the fun.