T-Mobile G2x Price To Increase Tomorrow?

Since T-Mobile pulled the LG G2x from its online store yesterday, there has been plenty of speculation on what's going on and what's to happen next. At first it was thought that the phone was pulled due to quality issues, but that was later rebutted by T-Mobile reps saying that popularity and inventory constraints were the reason. And although they admitted to some issues that needed fixing, the phone is apparently still popular enough that they intend on raising its price.

TMoNews just got their hands on a screenshot of an internal memo that clearly marks the G2x for a price increase starting tomorrow, May 27th. According to the memo, the T-Mobile G2x has been so popular since its launch last month that high demand has resulted in inventory constraints. The carrier is currently working with LG to up the supply, but in the meantime must raise the price.

They are perhaps taking a page from the recently launched Verizon DROID Charge by bumping up the G2x now to $299 with a new two-year agreement. Throw in a mail-in rebate and the G2x becomes yours for $249. The memo mentioned very little about the quality issues, with only a note that a "small percentage" of customers have complained about some issues, which an upcoming update should resolve. We still think quite positively of the phone, check out our full review of the G2x.

[via TMoNews]