Nokia order Snapdragon Smartbook and Atom netbook from Taiwanese OEMs

Nokia have reportedly ordered netbook computers from OEM firms Compal and Quanta, according to the Commercial Times as quoted by Bloomberg.  While the source of the information was unclear, Nokia have seemingly ordered both Intel Atom-based netbooks and Qualcomm Snapdragon based smartbooks.  The Atom netbooks may ship as early as Q3.


This comes as something of a surprise – or at least it may do to Intel – as earlier this week Nokia announced they would be working with Intel to collaborate on mobile platforms, including Maemo and Moblin, and connected ultraportable devices.  It was suggested that Nokia might wait until Moorestown in 2010 or even Medfield in 2011 before adopting Intel processors and chipsets in a device, but this leak indicates that's not necessarily the case.

As for Qualcomm's Snapdragon chipset, that caused no small amount of fuss back at Computex for its role in the new ARM-based smartbook niche.  A rival to Intel-based netbooks, smartbooks promise all-day battery life together with full wireless connectivity and HD media playback with HDMI connectivity.


[via IntoMobile]

