What's The Cheapest You Can Get A New Motorcycle For?

All of the advanced technology incorporated in new motorcycles increases their value. As a result of this and many other factors like inflation, motorcycles are getting more expensive. Today, many of the cheapest motorcycles from top brands released in 2023 were priced within the $4,000 to $5,000 range (besides the SSR XR250X, which costs $3,459). And if you're looking for a brand-spanking new two-wheeler, you'd be hard-pressed to find a 2024 motorcycle for less than $3,999. That's a great price for a brand-new bike, and the only one we found that comes with that price tag is the surprisingly cheap Royal Enfield Hunter 350 motorcycle.

You can choose from six colors for the Hunter 350, but the Dapper finishes are the only ones with the $3,999 price tag. Choosing one of the three Rebel colors bumps the price up to $4,199, which is still significantly cheaper than most other bikes on the market. The Hunter 350 might not have the same presence as your friend's Harley Davidson, but it will smoothly get you from point A to point B. There are a few other affordable rides from other brands, but virtually none dip below the $4,000 price tag before taxes.

Why motorcycles are so expensive

As it stands, many flagship bikes cost as much as a brand-new car, but why is that? First of all, there's less demand for motorcycles. That could be due to a variety of factors, like people having families and not being able to feasibly pile everyone onto a motorcycle. Manufacturing costs are also increasing, contributing to higher prices. Development costs are higher because there are more safety and emissions regulations that companies have to follow, and all of the technological advances incorporated into newer models add costs, too. 

You can't be picky when you're looking for a cheap motorcycle. Shopping for one on a budget isn't going to get you the fastest bike that comes with all the bells and whistles, turning heads as you whip by drivers on the road. However, you can find one for the right price that gives you the same freedom as some of the most expensive motorcycles from every major brand.

Needless to say, the only way to find a two-wheeled vehicle for less than $3,999 is by purchasing a used motorcycle or hopping on a scooter. But even finding a brand new scooter like Vespa Primavera for less than $4,300 is tough. Although Honda has one under $3,000.