News Corp's "The Daily" iPad App Landing January 19th

The talk about News Corp's The Daily application for the iPad has been a pretty constant piece of news for awhile now, with people guessing about the content therein, or trying to pinpoint the exact release date of the app. Others, though, didn't even think it was coming out. But, thanks to a new "coming soon" site dedicated to The Daily, we can probably safely assume that it's coming. And, according to Forbes, its launch date is only just a little off from that previous rumor we heard not too long ago.

While Forbes is reporting that The Daily will launch on January 19th now, further details about the application are still hazy at this point. We do know that the app will function as a sort of repository for news articles from many different sources across the United States. It will also include some international content. There are also writers that were specifically hired to write for The Daily, who will publish original content.

What will be most notable about the app, though, is the push notification system that has been hinted at in the past. This is meant for a subscription plan, and not for notifications on the iPad. That means that iTunes will automatically bill customers, whether it be on a weekly or monthly schedule, depending on the individual user. If it comes to fruition, then there's a possibility that magazines and other subscription-based periodicals could use the same system, and perhaps boost sales.

And finally, The Daily now has a "coming soon" website, with a new logo which you can see above.

[via Forbes]