Google's Chrome app launcher will be nixed this summer

The Chrome app launcher will be retired this summer, and the reason is mostly simplicity and user-preference. Says Google, it has come to realize that most Chrome users prefer to launch applicable apps inside of Chrome itself, not through the separate launcher. There's no point in keeping something most people don't want, and so Linux, Mac, and Windows users will lose access this upcoming July.

The Chrome app launcher is a pretty simple bit of software, putting a launcher in the taskbar/dock on your respective operating system. Click it, and a Start menu-esque launcher will appear with Chrome apps inside. That's not the only way to launch Chrome apps, though — users can more easily open them by simply opening a new tab and clicking on the app icon. That's how most people do it, says Google.

Don't fear, Chromebook users — the Chrome app launcher will remain on Chrome OS. For Windows, Linux, and Mac users, though, the launcher will be removed this summer. Ahead of that will be some tweaks to ease users away from it. In a few weeks, Chrome will stop enabling the launcher when a Chrome app is installed.

Those who already have it will start seeing a notification warning them that time is limited. Those who have the launcher will see it disappear sometime in July — Google didn't provide a specific date. To get access to them once that happens, use chrome://apps or add shortcuts to the apps in your bookmarks bar.

SOURCE: Chromium Blog