Essential Phone just made some huge Android promises

Earlier today, the Essential Phone went up for pre-order at a number of different locations, including Sprint, Amazon, and Essential's own store. That announcement was made in a rather long blog post that outlined what makes the Essential Phone special in a sea of other flagship devices. While some of that content is precisely what you'd expect to read when a new phone is being marketed, there were a few interesting promises being made that anyone considering the phone will want to pay attention to.

In that blog post, Essential states it plain: "Devices shouldn't become outdated every year. They should evolve with you." What does that mean for the Essential Phone? Among other things, it apparently means that the device will continue to receive Android updates for two years after launch.

This is important, because not a lot of manufacturers are willing to make such a long-term commitment to keeping their devices up to date. Then, when promises like this are made, sometimes the manufacturer falls through. Should Essential actually intend to stand by this promise (there's no reason to believe it won't), it could be a major selling point, but there may not be a lot of Android users left who are willing to take that promise at its face value.

Beyond the commitment to deliver Android updates for two years after launch, Essential also promised that its flagship device will receive security updates for three years. This, in some ways, could be even more important than Android updates – while it's always nice to have the latest, most shiny version of Android running on your device, it's better to have a phone that's secured against the latest threats.

Importantly, these promises mean that even if Essential falls into the same routine of releasing a new flagship phone every year, it won't drop support for this year's model as soon as the new one is available. Do these promises draw you more toward the Essential Phone? Head down to the comments section and let us know!