Xbox 360 HD-DVD Drive: This Christmas For $200?

All you high-definition fanatics out there, take note: we have it on good authority that the Xbox 360's long-awaited HD-DVD drive is right around the corner, set to ship this Christmas. More importantly, you won't need to trade essential body parts in order to afford one; the drive should run you early-adopters around $200 USD when it finally hits. Meaning that, rather than spending $500+ on a dedicated HD-DVD player, one could spent as much or slightly more and get the Xbox 360's gaming capabilities as well.


This is certainly welcome news to HD lovers all over the world, who had expected their beloved HD-DVD add-on to cost signifcantly higher than the announced price. The price puts the Xbox 360 is direct HD competition with the PS3, as one can acquire HD-DVD and an Xbox 360 now for the same price as the high-end PS3 (minus all the Sony nonsense and $70 games, of course). So, come Christmastime, the HD-DVD war will come to your video game consoles; pick your sides wisely.

[via Digitimes]

