Xbox 360 Gets Gutted, Returned For Full Refund

Alright, so we all know that certain retailers aren't the brightest when it comes to returns, but this has to be an all-time low. This Xbox was returned completely gutted and a bit of light reading (a text book on medical assisting) shoved inside it.


I am in no way innocent when it comes to returns, but I'm not this devious. I've done the simple stuff, like I lost the receipt so I bought another one and took the defective one back in the new one's box. I even took a Zune back to a different store than it actually came from. Only to be greeted by the most pathetic tech guy ever. He asked me what a Zune was. However, I think even that guy would have caught this one.

It didn't even have the cords for the Xbox, it was switched out with some printer cords. Currently no one out of the customer service department is vouching for the return. It just magically happened, weird.

Retailer gets punk'd [via crunchgear]

